Monday December 29th, 2008 I started having contractions around 3am..then my water broke! I was 38 weeks and 1 day... So I called Randy and told him to get his butt home bc it was time! heh So we headed to the hospital and got settled in by about 5:30... I was already almost 4 cm dilated! They checked me again around 9ish and I was 5cm.. I had to get 2 epidurasls because the first one just made my right side numb and I was NOT having that...but the 2nd one worked wonderfully...Apparently according to the monitors I was having huge contractions and didn't feel a thing.. THANK GOD! They checked me again at 11 and the nurse said she could see the head so everyone started rushing to get things set up and find the doc. (who was awesome btw)... I pushed like 4 or 5 big times and he made his big debut at 11:12am! It was so soon as they plopped him on my stomach he peed on me! lol But everything went really well, I couldn't have asked for a better/easier labor! He weighed 6lbs 1 oz. and was 19 3/4 in long.
Welcome to the world Lucca Randall McLendon! We love you!

1 comment:
he is so perfect!!!
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