Saturday, January 23, 2010

Trying to stay positive...

I am really, really trying to stay positive... But Lucca is now almost 13 months old and STILL is having trouble staying in a sitting position for a long time. He is very strong and sits up on his own, but after a few minutes he either pukes or falls over. His legs are also VERY strong but he can't stay up on his own without someone holding on to him. He shows no desire to crawl or stand... It's like his balance is off or something. The doctor told us to work him really hard now that he is a year old, and we DO..but it seems like we are not getting ANYWHERE. yes he has gotten much stronger and that is an answer to prayer.. it just seems like he has something wrong with his balance. I don't think it is ear infections because EVERY time we go to the doctor, his ears are fine.. So I don't know. Its just very discouraging.. I know i know, I'm just complaining.. I just wish my little guy could get around everywhere like every other one year old seems to be able to. Oh well...

Please keep him in your prayers...

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