Wednesday, September 29, 2010


BRONSON ROTH! (3 years old)
After Lucca's Neurology Appt Friday I was feeling really down and depressed and a friend of mine told me that I should e-mail a girl named Tricia whom I actually went to high school with... Tricia has a little boy with cerebral palsy and I just e-mailed her asking her how she stayed so strong and positive about all the test results and how to handle doctor's etc. After she e-mailed me back I felt a complete change of heart. I suddenly felt so positive about everything and actually had a peace about it all. I didn't feel worried for the future. One thing she told me REALLY jumped out and stuck with me was that Lucca & Bronson, and every other special needs child out there only has to endure the pain and the struggle for a short period of time while they are on this earth, and once they get to eternity they will be able to walk, talk , run, dance, eat sing, play etc all at the same time! They will have nothing holding them back!! Isn't that such an awesome thing to think about?! That was such an encouraging feeling for me. She also mentioned she wanted to start a Bible Study for a few moms that have special needs children about once a month.. I soooo need this and it is perfect timing! I feel the Lord is really helping me out here and I know now more than ever that HE is in control of everything.. God knows Lucca's future and his life is in HIS hands, therefore I have nothing to fear :)
Bronson & his family have already been such an inspiration to me, so I wanted to share them with you all.

Tricia, Bronson, Maeleigh, and Brent

Bronson & his little sister, Maeleigh
Here is Bronson's Story: (per his mother's blog)

"I don’t mind talking about what happened to him at all. It actually helps with my healing process. This story is why Bronson is a special needs child. Bronson was completely healthy while I was pregnant. Nothing about Bronson is genetic or developmental. Bronson had an injury at birth. My OB doctors consisted of 5 doctors. I liked them a lot at first. I saw someone different every time I went in. It was really easy for me to slip through the cracks. The last month of my pregnancy I had severe preeclamsia. It did not show up in my urine (I think) but I did have other symptoms that the doctors missed. Example: they never checked for swelling and I had tons. Bronson did not grow at all the last month that I was pregnant. He was getting very little oxygen and nutrients and no one knew about it. Bronson was term and he came right on time. They found out that I had preeclamsia the day I went into labor. I was in labor for 38 hours. They gave me magnesium for the preeclamsia and they also gave me penicillin because I was strep B positive. Bronson was getting all this medicine. When they broke my water I had meconium stained amniotic fluid, therefore Bronson was already in distress. When it was finally time to push they realized that Bronson was coming out the wrong way (facing the wrong way). He would come to surface and then go back. He did this for 3 hours. The whole time I was in labor Bronsons heart was decelerating. After 3 hours of pushing they offered the suction. I asked about the risk and they told me everything would be fine and that all I had to do was push 3 more times. I pushed 3 more times with the suction and the last time the suction flew off of Brosnons head. She ended up having to give me a 4th degree episiotomy to get him out. When he came out he wasn’t breathing. They had to suction the meconium out of his lungs and resuscitate him. They had to intubate him 2 times. Every time he had a seizure he would stop breathing. I got to see him almost 32 hours after I delivered him because I had to stay on the magnesium for 24 hours. After I deliver I couldn’t see for a couple hours and every time I tried to fall asleep I would stop breathing and wake up. Bronson stayed intubated for 1 week and then took out the tube on his own. He improved after that and went home after 2 weeks. He now has diffuse moderate brain damage throughout his entire brain. The neo said it was like he had a stroke during delivery. My mom and husband asked the doctors for a c-section several times and all they said to that was "It is best for mom and baby to have it vaginal". I’m not sure they knew what they were talking about. For some reason (besides death) this seems like the worst thing that could have happened and it could have been prevented. I am very bitter at the doctors for not taking different actions. The next week I had to see my OB about my preeclamsia because I still had it. At that time my OB looked at me and told me I had no reason to be upset because this type of thing (Bronsons brain damage) happens to a lot of people. That’s Bronsons story."
Just a little more info about Bronson..He is now 3 years old and throughout his entire 3 years he has multiple seizures a day sometimes, he has to be fed through a G-tube, he is not able to walk or talk. But by golly if he isn't one of God's perfect angels :) I hope you all are as touched as I was about his story.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Love you Lyndz and Im so glad you were able to talk to tricia and have her inspire you