Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Almost 5 months!

Well Lucca will be 5 months this Friday! This is a big week! My brother graduates from high school Thursday (finally). Lucca turns 5 months on Friday, and then Saturday we start adding vegetables to our eating! yay! squash and carrots here we come hehe. Well Lucca has pretty much lost ALL of his hair except for a little brown mullet in the back hehe. Maybe that is what color it is goin to be? Who knows. He is gettin SO big, and the doctor told us that his neck needed to be stronger so I decided this weekend to try and sit him in his bumbo seat..He did ALOT better than I thought he would...
and we sat him in the highchair for the first time as well.. it swollows him whole!
This weekend was Memorial Day weekend so Monday afternoon we went and hung out at Mimi & PawPaws for a little while...here are some pics of me and my BIG boy and one of Lucca & Daddy reading Dr. Suess books.

We took lots of pictures over the weekend of Lucca so here are some random ones of him playing and trying to lift his head...I can't believe how BIG he is getting!(trying to eat the fishy)

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