Saturday, November 28, 2009

Scentsy Wickless Candles

Just wanted to let everyone know that I am now a "Scentsy Consultant". I will be selling all Scentsy products.
In case you don't know what Scentsy is..they are wickless candles. They consist of a ton of differenet decorative warmers that are heated by a light bulb. They come in 3 different sizes. Full -size warmer, Mid-size warmer and a plug-in size. They are also many different scents to choose from that come in "bars" that you place on top of the warmer and the heat from the light bulb melts it down. Then when you turn it off, it turns back into the wax to be used over and over until the smell wears off. I went to one party and became addicted. I now have 5 different warmers and a plug in. There are also sprays, car candles, and many other things to choose from. MY website if anyone is interested in buying anything is and you can either buy from my website or you can tell me if you see anything you like. Please go take a look! I know you will like them just as much as I do!

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