Wednesday, December 23, 2009


We went for Lucca's ultrasound Monday and found out that he has an enlarged left kidney. They don't know if he was born with it or if it something that has just recently come about. It defiantely came way out of the blue, never did I ever think something would be wrong with his kidney..But fortunately at his doctor's appt today they said it was mild swelling and not severe, and that it isn't really anything to worry about RIGHT now, that the endoscopy if first priority.

We had Lucca's 12 month appt today, and he still hasnt hit 20 lbs yet lol, which means he is stuck in the baby car seat for a little bit longer unfortunately. He weighs 19.5 lbs, is 30 " long and 44.5 cm head. Big boy =) The doctor also said NO MORE FORMULA OR BABY FOOD! He gets to have soy milk and whatever we are eating, he can eat lol Kinda scary and exciting at the same time!

Anyway, Lucca's endoscopy has been rescheduled for Jan 11th so continue to keep him in your prayers =) Happy Holidays to everyone!

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